About Us

This is Us...(from L-R..Irish, Fatima, Cathy, kareen, Regine Jyd)

This is Us...(from L-R..Irish, Fatima, Cathy, kareen, Regine Jyd)




The Webmasters of this site are students from Alabel National Science High School. Our group, composed of six ladies all from 3-Newton (not to mention they are all “NBSB”) came up with this project with the help of their Physics teacher Mr. Ariel Lalisan.

First, it was simply a project, a requirement that needs to be done. But as time passed by, our group seems to enjoy it and had a lot of fun doing it. The strenuous project at first became a group past-time activity.

Editing the site, for the first time seems impossible for us. Big thanks to our Physics teacher who came to the rescue just when we badly needed it. Although pressured because of the fast approaching dates of submission, we still managed to submit it. 

During the making of this site, our group experienced a lot of fun and pressure. We are hoping that you will learn a lot from this site as much as we learned a lot from our Physics teacher and with the help of other sites like ours.

Thank you for visiting our site!

May you have fun while learning!


The Webmasters,

Aifelle B.

Maria Angelica Fatima Navarro

Kareen Joy Amlon

Irish Joy PAusal

Dzyry Jyd Yuso

Catherine Dominique Andales

Regine Remoroza





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